Question 2 // Can You Retrain Your Brain? (feat. Joel Bowers)

Joel Bowers ( @bownotbau ) is only a couple of years older than me but I view him as a mentor. As a multi instrumentalist, he’s been around the block a few times when it comes to gigging. As a man with dual citizenship and someone who needed to replace his passport twice before college, he’s been around the world a few times. Joel’s seen more out of life than some people could see in two lifetimes and is one of the first people I go to when I need advice. 

In our conversation, we talk about practical tools he’s found to retrain his brain to lean into gratitude,  he opens up about the death of his mother just months ago, and much more. 

I don’t take conversations and openness like this lightly. This conversation is a gift from Joel to me, to share with you. 


Recording Location: The Freehouse, THE NORTH FREAKIN LOOP, MPLS, MN

Food: Breakfast bowls, 'brew bread’ and coffee 

I’m so thankful that I don’t have to deal with sponsors. 

Otherwise, I would have to tell you to visit Guinness’ website HERE and ask you to hire Narrate Films for your next video/film/music-video/wedding photography/any photography needs and to visit their website HERE. Whew… so thankful I don’t need to deal with that crap.  


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