Scheduling Happiness (feat. Cory Wong)

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With all the shit that’s been happening in 2020, have you ever thought about scheduling happiness in your life?

Me neither. UNTIL I sat down with my friend Cory a couple of years ago and he told me about how he makes a point to make sure he intentionally sets aside time each week to mark off a couple of things I would have NEVER thought about putting on a to-do list.

So, I tried it for myself and I just realized today it’s become a habit in my life and also the reason you’ll never run into me without a 3M sticky note in my wallet. 

So, grab an americano, pull up a chair, and join Cory and me and he talks about why we need, now more than ever, to be scheduling happiness in our week.


My Original Episode w/ Cory:

Cory's Podcast, "Wong Notes": | (612) 584-9330  | Intro Song: Wild Pony Music