Relationship Advice For Quarantined Couples (feat. Amanda Nephew)

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Due to COVID-19, the past couple months have shifted just about every aspect of our lives including our relationships and living situations. Almost overnight, many of us found ourselves quarantined at home spending 24/7 with our partners and navigating these new waters often takes an extra level of intentionality.

So I decided to call up my friend Amanda Nephew, an LMFT (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) and an Adjunct Professor at University of Northwestern-St Paul, to see if she had any tactical advice for us all both personally and with our partners.

Join us as she explains why we need to be aware of our own personal “stress language” and gives a few tactile “To Do” and “Not To Do” things to consider at this time. 

Visit Amanda online at:

To Listen to my first conversation with Amanda:

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